Learn a Bit About the Folks at Creative Cabinetry
David Preaus, Owner
My family:
Wonderful wife, Susan, and terrific kids, Theodore, Noah and Hamilton.
My hometown:
The Big Easy
My passion:
The New Orleans Saints, Fly Fishing, Travel, Bridge, Cooking
Guilty pleasures:
Any food from New Orleans, Fantasy Football, Single Malt Scotch
Words I live by:
Laissez Les Bon Temps Roulez – “Let The Good Times Roll”
One thing I’ll never do again:
Dance in front of 800 people wearing a semi-transparent silver lame shirt.
The food I could eat every day:
A shrimp Po-Boy from Domilise’s dressed with brown gravy and Swiss cheese, a side of Oysters Rockefeller from Galatoire’s followed by my mom’s Crème Brulee.
Contributions to society:
Family & Intercultural Resource Center (FIRC) Board Member, Our Lady of the Peace, 2003 Ben Fogle Award Recipient (Summit County Chamber of Commerce), Silverthorne Town Council 2010-2014, Summit County Rotary Board Member, Dancer and Winner for Dancing with the Mountain Stars 2012, Summit County Youth Baseball and Softball Board Member. Summit Foundation Board Member.
Alma Mater:
Rollins College, BA in Economics
B.C.C. (Before Creative Cabinetry):
I started my life in Summit County as a bellman at the Keystone Lodge in 1992 and eventually moved to the front desk. After several years at Keystone I moved to the Village at Breckenridge where I held positions as the Front Desk Manager, Sales Manager and Director of Operations. In 1999, I moved over to Colorado Mountain Express where I held several positions including Director of Sales and Marketing.
Jacque Ball, Designer
My family:
Husband Greg King and dog-kids, Jasper & Louie.
My hometown:
Los Gatos, CA
My passion:
Mountain biking, jewelry making
Guilty pleasures:
Dark chocolate with peanut butter
Words I live by:
Running water doesn’t freeze (referring to staying active while my body rebels)
One thing I’ll never do again:
Eat beets
The food I could eat every day:
Good sourdough bread and Cabot cheese (throw in some yummy red wine)
Contributions to society:
Volunteering wherever and whenever I can for community events
Alma Mater:
West Valley College, Behavioral Science
B.C.C. (Before Creative Cabinetry):
Before coming to Summit County in 2002, I worked in the high tech industry for 10 years. Once I made a huge life change by moving here, I started out managing a bead shop then moved on to the Breckenridge Medical Clinic where I managed the front desk operations. I finally found my dream job and career with Creative Cabinetry. Now I’m the luckiest employee around!
Paige Dalluge, Project Associate
My Family: Furry adventure partner, Nugget.
My Hometown: Mankato, MN
My Passions:
Hiking, Camping, Biking, Snowshoeing, Conservation, Photography, Snowmobiling, Live Music, SUPping.
Guilty Pleasures:
Natural Hot Springs, Champagne
Words I live by:
Be present in all things and thankful for all things
One thing I will never do again:
Cliff Jumping
Contributions to society:
Volunteering whenever I can in the community
B.C.C (Before Creative Cabinetry):
Prior to moving to Colorado, I worked in the exterior home improvement industry in Minnesota. When I made the move to Summit County in 2014 I continued my path in the industry, loving the versatility of it. I spent time working at a Custom Flooring company in Summit County and then one of Colorado’s biggest General Contracting companies in Eagle County. Eventually I found myself in the cabinet specific industry at the best cabinet design center around, Creative Cabinetry!
Susan Preaus, Marketing
My Family: My partner David and our three sweet boys Theodore, Noah and Hamilton
My Hometown: Rostraver Township, PA
My Passions: Yoga, Nordic and Alpine Skiing, Rowing, Golf and Parenting
Guilty Pleasures: Manicure/Pedicures
Words I Live By: It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice
The Food I Could Eat Everyday: Is coffee a food?
Contributions to Society: Copper Mountain Ambassador, Our Lady of Peace Lector and Laundress, Volunteer at Casa Gabriel, Former PTSA President, Dillon Valley Elementary
Alma Mater: Villanova University, BA Psychology – University of Colorado Denver, MA- Counseling Psychology Counselor Education
B.C.C(Before Creative Cabinetry) : My first two jobs in Summit County, were ski school at the Peak 8 Children’s Center and waiting tables at Jacksan’s Sushi. I did a decade or so in customer service and front desk before going back to get my master’s in counseling. For nine years, I worked as a Behavioral Health Specialist at the School Based Health Center through the Summit Community Care Clinic. I now have my dream job working with my husband and the fabulous team at Creative Cabinetry!
Connor Nolan, Logistics and Quality Assurance Manager
My family: My brother Devin and my cat Tito
My Hometown: Cleveland, OH
My Passions: All my hometown sports teams, my hat collection, concerts & concert posters! I love to snowboard in the winter and play softball and golf in the summer.
Guilty Pleasures: Sleeping in on my weekends and reality TV.
Words I Live By: You can never see too much live music!
One Thing I’ll Never Do Again: Leave the house without my sunglasses.
The Food I Could Eat Everyday: I love brunch! Bacon is the key to youth!
Contributions to Society: Volunteering at Joy’s Kitchen a food pantry and rescue in Littleton.
Alma Mater: Ohio University
B.C.C. (Before Creative Cabinetry) I moved to Colorado in the winter of 2010 and have been working with the “Supply Chain” ever since. Prior to working with Creative Cabinetry, I worked at Whole Foods, Climax Molybdenum Company and Vail Resorts.
Hannah Sippel, Design Assistant
My Family: My mom Diana, dad Tim and my brother Erik.
My Hometown: Los Altos, CA
My Passions: Skiing, Camping, Travel and Baking
Guilty Pleasures: Dark chocolate and Red Wine
Words I Live By: “Inhale the future, exhale the past.”
The Food I Could Eat Everyday: Pasta
Contributions to Society: I volunteer at our local food banks and I am a kind and generous friend.
Alma Mater: Point Loma Nazarene University
B.C.C. (Before Creative Cabinetry): After completing my Bachelor’s Degree in San Diego, California, I went on to work as an Executive Assistant at a boutique branding firm and as an Office Manager for a global digital marketing company. Most recently, I worked for an Interior Design company here in Summit County.
Alaysia O’Neal, Designer
My Family: My husband – David, Our daughter – Kaitlyn, My cousin – Bryan and Our dog – Luke
My Hometown: Air Force Brat – lived all over the world but I’ve called Colorado Springs my home since 1995
My Passion: Paddle Boarding, Kayaking, Watching Avalanche Hockey, Camping and spending quality time with friends and family.
Guilty Pleasures: Reading Romance Novels
Words I Live By: “All I can do is all I can do and all I can do is enough” and “If it is to be; it is up to me”
One Thing I’ll Never Do Again: Eat Olives or Watch Scary Movies
The Food I Could Eat Everyday: Fresh Vegetables and Fresh Fruit
Contributions to Society: Served on the Committee for the Strides for Epilepsy 5K in Colorado Springs till 2022, Committee Chair for Strides and EFCO Walk for Epilepsy in Colorado Springs from 2018-2022, Epilepsy Awareness Advocate for EFCO and TEAM KO, Flocking Fundraiser Director 2018-2022, Dravet Syndrome Advocate, Volunteer for Epilepsy Foundation of Colorado & Wyoming, Advocate for Realm of Caring, and Fostered & Rehabilitated over 35 Dogs with a local Shelter in Colorado Springs.
Alma Mater: Pikes Peak State College (Phi Theta Kappa) – AAS Interior Design
BCC (Before Creative Cabinetry): After High School I lived in Breckenridge for 18 months and worked at Beaver Run at the Front Desk, then I moved back to COS and got married, then started a family. I worked various jobs while being a care giver for our special needs daughter, Kaitlyn, for 17 years. Then we decided to “switch roles”. My husband became her CNA, and I went to College in 2013 for my dream career as an Interior Designer. Right out of College in 2015, I landed a job with CK Design in Colorado Springs where I worked as a Kitchen/Bath Designer and Project Coordinator until I received the opportunity of a lifetime to return to Breckenridge and become a Designer for Creative Cabinetry.
Melanie Greenberg, Director of Sales & Marketing
My Family: My husband Dave & my furry chocolate babies Doug & Donnie
My Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
My Passions:
Travel, Hiking with my Pups, Skiing, Sailing. I’m a self proclaimed water baby living in a mountain town – anything that involves one of those two things, I’m happy.
Guilty Pleasures: Champagne & chicken fingers.
Words I live by: You only have one life to live!
One thing I will never do again:
Jump out of a helicopter and skydive in front of the Eiger in Switzerland… I’d skydive again, but some place new for a different view!
The Food I Could Eat Everyday: Cheese.
Contributions to society:
My husband and I regularly participate in and donate to local community and philanthropic events and organizations.
Alma Mater: Colgate University, BA in Architectural Studies
B.C.C (Before Creative Cabinetry):
I moved to Summit County in 2009 and planted my roots in Keystone as a Ski Instructor. After a couple of seasons on the mountain, I joined the Keystone HR team as a recruiter. My career path took me to a local Real Estate Developer and General Contractor where I worked as their Sales and Client Services Manager for over 8 years. I met the Creative Cabinetry team through that working relationship and am honored to be a part of their team now!
We owe our success to the incredible community in which we are blessed to live and work. As a token of our appreciation we are glad to support several non-profit organizations that allow us to live and work in Summit County. Please consider supporting The Rotary Club of Summit County, The Family and Intercultural Resource Center (FIRC), Summit Youth Baseball, the Breckenridge Outdoor Education Center (BOEC), and The Summit Foundation.
The Rotary Club of
Summit County
The Summit
Family & Intercultural
Resource Center
Youth Baseball
Education Center
Creative Cabinetry’s Affiliations
National Kitchen &
Bath Association
Summit County
Builders Association
Tourism Office
Summit County
Chamber of Commerce